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Digital Contract

Guideline for Presenter

(Optional) InCEBT MS PowerPoint template can be downloaded HERE 

A) For physical presentation, these are the instructions that you need to follow: 

  1. You can use e.g., MS PowerPoint, Canva or other equivalent presentation platform. We encourage to convert the slides to .PDF format after preparing the slide. You may choose and customize your own template.

  2. All presentation should be prepared in English.

  3. First slide must include TITLE, NAME, INSTITUTION and PROFILE PICTURE.

  4. Maximum duration of the presentation is 10 MINUTES and 5 MINUTES for Q&A session.

  5. All presenter need to be ready 10 minutes before the allocated slot.

  6. Organizer will send an email for the presentation submission after receiving and accepting abstract from presenter.

B) For online presenter, these are the instruction that you need to follow:

  1. Video presentation has to be pre-recorded and submitted as video files BEFORE the conference date.

  2. You may use e.g., MS PowerPoint along with OBS studio to record the presentation video.

  3. All presentation should be prepared in English.

  4. First slide must include TITLE, NAME, INSTITUTION and PROFILE PICTURE.

  5. Videos should contain a prominent view of the presentation slides along with audio and face of the spoken presentation.

  6. Maximum duration of video presentation is 15 MINUTES.

  7. File Format: MPEG-4 (.mp4), .mkv or .avi (use standard H.264 video and AAC/mp3 audio codecs).

  8. Video Size: Recommended in HD (or use other “720p” settings) for clarity.

  9. Audio Quality: Audio commentary and the content of the slides must be clearly presented.

  10. No background music is allowed in the presentation.

  11. Your video filename should be in the following format: e.g., PaperID.mp4

  12. Organizer will send an email for the video submission after receiving and accepting abstract from presenter.

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